Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mix and Match Marinade

Some days my larder gets to the point where tumble weeds roll through it. It usually happens this time of year because of vacations. No point in shopping if I am not going to be here to eat it. So when I come back, there is always a day or two of scrounging to make a meal.  In my hunt for food I found some rice (always a staple), a jar of peach preserves that had grown dust. I am not a preserve/jelly/jam fan. I make two kinds for my own use Hot and Hotter. But the sweet stuff isn't really my thing. This jar my best friend gave to me. She makes the sweets. I found one 1/2 good onion (a bit of judicious pealing and there was roughly a 1/2 cup still edible), and yellow squash was found hiding in my garden (I am a plant and hope gardener so it is always a shock to me when something actually grows).  I also had one poor lonely block of tofu, all other protein sources were frozen solid. These are the things that were left to me.  So lets just say I was a bit skeptical on what I could do with this. But it turned out surprisingly yummy.

Normally I would insert a picture here but you will have to wait until I make this didn't stick around long enough to get its picture taken.

One block extra firm tofu (pressed) and cubed
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup peach preserves

1 tbs minced garlic
1/2 tbs fresh ginger (minced)
1/2 cup red onion
1 tsp sriracha
3 tbs rice wine vinegar

Mix the ingredients and pour over the tofu and let marinade over night (I did intend to eat this the day I scrounged up everything but I got to this point and was invited out for sushi....sushi won). After marinading over night, pan fry and serve over white rice.

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